Change History ============== v1.22 ----- Release version - MIDI clock out now works with all song speeds - sync24 output with parallel port interface - reliable midi -> sync24 conversion - partial rewrite of midi in/out and sync24 output - sync24 input with joystick port interface - selectable internal/midi/sync24 sync - changed year to 2008 V1.21 ----- Internal version - Disabled certain effects under track mute - Added special looping pattern - Fixed slight timing issues in song editor outside of live mode - Changed year to 2007 - Disabled special patterns when track mute on. Allows for smoother adlibs. - Added midi controllers 16->20 for track mutes - Added controllers 21 and 22 for song speed and position - 23 controls jam mode, 24 controls song/pattern play - added config function to disable midi controllers - made midi program changes polyphonic - try all tracks with correct midi channel for note off - MIDI key jazz - pseudo polyphonic note ons ;) - added support for midi song position this gives sync with digital multi trackers, ableton live, etc etc - CC 60-66 Instrument sequences - CC 109 -> Instrument volume - CC 110 -> Instrument sequence speed - CC 111 -> Instrument digi sample - CC 112 -> Instrument digi rate - CC 113 -> Instrument buzzer waveform - CC 114 -> Instrument start sync - CC 115 -> Instrument coarse detune - CC 116 -> Instrument fine detune - store midi clock / midi cc enables in config file - send midi clock, start,stop, continue out when song speed is 6 - pattern position CC 25 - instrument select CC 26 - mouse pointer select CC 27 - CC28 Global noise transpose - CC29 Track noise transpose 1 - CC30 Track noise transpose 2 - CC31 Track noise transpose 3 - CC32 Global transpose - CC33 Track transp 1 - CC34 Track transp 2 - CC35 Track transp 3 - CC36 Track transp 4 <- not in global - CC37 Track transp 5 <- not in global - CC38 Global volume - CC39 Track vol 1 - CC40 Track vol 2 - CC41 Track vol 3 - CC42 Track vol 4 - CC43 Track vol 5 - these changes have meant the way volume works with buzzer sounds is different, your songs may need changes - CC44 Next pattern 1 - CC45 Next pattern 2 - CC46 Next pattern 3 - CC47 Next pattern 4 - CC48 Uwire volume - CC49 Uwire pan - CC50 Uwire bass - CC51 Uwire treble - Online help listing controllers - Turned off note entry audio when scroll=off play=on and record=on. Allows smoother live beat entry. - Turned off midi clock output when not playing - Always use internal interrupt when not playing - allows instruments to sound in midi clock mode. - Added MMC start and stop V1.20 ----- Internal version - Fixed some more bugs in editing with pattern scrolling off - Made it easier to select instrument $20 (505 request) - Attempted to fix Alive shell bug (Cyclone request) V1.19 ----- Release version - Fixed bug in STe native mode with zero length samples. - Fixed some bugs in editing with pattern scrolling off. V1.18 ----- Internal version - Advanced edit mask toggler (Dma-Sc request) - Added 'note off' preset pattern v1.17 ----- Internal version - Added preset blank pattern, use back space key to reach it. - Fixed editor, and pattern packer to take advantage of this new preset. - Added minimum DMA volume control to config menu. - Modified DMA routines to use this control for speed and memory optimisations. - Removed some DMA initialisations for added usability. v1.16 ----- Internal version - Updated manual. - Changed year to 2006. - Included updated version of SNDH_CPU in the archive. - Fixed bug in Falcon non-editor replay - Removed check for DMA channel when squishing non-DMA music. - Fixed bug in octave down routine that caused the stack to be trashed from time to time. - Changed instrument bank selector text (Dubmood request) v1.15 ----- Internal version - Low level support for TT video hardware. Operating system only support available until now. (earx request, thanks to sh3 for the loan of his TT) - Added GUI option for single channel DMA with native STe sample rates. - Fixed channel mute display for new native mode. - Added preliminary support in the driver for the native mode. Note on and off only, for now. - Added support for all four STe replay rates. - Added volume preshifts in native STe mode. As a side effect, this should cause all this STe native rate stuff to also work on TT, thanks sh3 for the loan of his TT. - Added extra help screen listing native STe rates. - Fixed all this to work on Falcon.. :/ v1.14b ------ Internal version - Graceful handling of timer disabling in dynamic timer allocation (505 request) - Attempt fix for the classic falcon fileselector bug (505 request, help from No/Escape - cheers!) v1.14a ------ Release version - Fixed memory leak caused by new changes (505 bug report) - Added check for insane timer settings to improve stability(Marcer request) - Added fast save sndh shortcut(Ctrl+S) and changed fast song editor shortcut to Ctrl+O (Dubmood request) v1.14 ----- Internal version - Minor opimisation to replay routine - Bug fix to binary version of replayer - Bug fix 'instrument clear' shortcut - Bug fix to pattern packing routines allows pattern $FF to be used with no crashing (Divag/Dubmood report) - Limited maximum pattern number to $EF for future expansion - Small change to allow nonsample tunes to work in emulated players like WinJAM etc. Doesn't count as a bug fix :)) - Attempt bug fix for realtime timer adjustment (505 report) v1.13a ------ Release vesrion - Fixed bug preventing 0 DMA channels falcon (frequent/ephi bug report) - Improved 'foreground' function a little v1.13 ----- Release version - Added DMA replay rate reference in the help menu. Tweaked microwire help text. v1.12e ------ Internal version - Disabled timer interrupts in ACIA interrupt handler. Hopefully this is the final fix to the MIDI and spurious keyboard press issues noted by divag and dma-sc. My previous fix attempts have not been wasted ;) They made the ACIA routine pretty fast - ok so i can squeeze more speed, but not that much. Now that interrupts are disabled during ACIA SID quality is reduced a little when using the mouse, keyboard and MIDI, but the fast routine minimises this in practical situations (i hope ;) ) - Fixed bug when loading old SNDH and MYV on the 1Mb version. - Fixed dirty evil YM digidrum bug I just discovered v1.12d ------ Internal version - Disabled pattern selection in jam song mode, for safety and laziness reasons :) - Attempted spurious keypress fix (dma-sc bug complaint) v1.12c ------ Internal version - Added sample truncation if digi size is too big. This allows for safe creation of maxymiser versions with more or less sample memory. - Fix overflow errors on sample adjust which lead to brutal crashing (505 bug report) v1.12b ------ Internal version - Added semitone and fine tuning sample editing function (505 request) - Added flush cache for 030 cpus to fix potential problems with self generating and self relocating code (actually none have been observed) - Fixed pattern pointer table generator to work with variable sample start offset, so no more weird crashes when trimming the sample start. - Fixed FDI support, now working with STe DMA channels at 44.1 and 48kHz, and SPDIF output toggle between YM and DMA. - Added flush cache for 060 cpus to fix FDI frequency switching problem caused by self generating code. v1.12 ----- Internal version - Added octave +/- sample editing function. The octave down uses an linear interpolation alogorithm for better audio quality - Added trimmer for sample start - Attempted to fix midi activity bug whilst loading the software (Nemo request) - Fixed keyboard adjustment of current digi sample - Fixed RGB resolution switch on Falcon with boosted bus - Fixed DMA routines to work on Falcon (stereo 16bit 49khz) this breaks the SP-DIF support, but I'll fix it later - Shortened fade in/out times for impatient people - hi 505!! ;))) - Shortened intro logo display time for impatient people - hi Frequent!! :P - Fixed master volume and pan microwire code for Falcon - Extended maximum sample size limit to 32k (505 request) v1.11 ----- Internal version - Renabled ste dma - Fixed jittery 2nd channel when 2 dma channels are active (dma-sc request) - Fixed normal menu panel up/down to work in jam sequencing mode - Fixed keyboard shortcuts to work in jam mode - Modifed song editor a bit for jam mode, no major changes however - Optimised pattern number display rout and changed for jam mode - Added save, sign/unsign and length adjustment to sample editor v1.10 ----- Internal version - Another optimisation to MIDI routines for attempted stuck note fix - Display pattern/song mode - Fix jump to column keyboard shortcut - Fixed 0/1/2 dma channel selection and sample editing problems, now much smoother - Fixed insert and backspace keys to work on 5 channels (dma-sc request) - Temporarily disabled ste dma for this test version v1.09 ----- Internal version - Updated MIDI to work with 5 channels and also allow to disable midi on a channel - Added toggle between 1 and 2 ste dma channels - Attempted to remove delay before beginning playback with a dma sound system pre-initialisation v1.08 ----- Internal version - After trying some mixing algorithms I finally settled on the simplest for memory reasons. So maxYMiser has two working DMA channels now. v1.07 ----- Internal version - Reduced maximum digidrum frequency back to 25kHz - Retain path between disk operations (Frequent request) - Added some lame sample editing functions in the S.E.Extension menu - Converted all editing functions to 5 channels - nightmare!! ;) v1.06b ------ Internal version - Fixed a microwire stability bug v1.06 ----- Internal version - Ignoring empty samples in DMA routine - Fixed small bug in mute on/off shortcuts - Implemented code generated resampling algorithm, and reduced sample rate to 25033Hz - big performance boost!! - Modified STe code to be compatible with TT machines (untested) - Added shortcuts to select digi sounds when on STe DMA channel - Added 'U' tracker command. This code allows creative use of the STe's LMC1992 stereo tone and volume circuit: U00->U0C Set bass (U06=0db) U10->U1C Set treble (U16=0db) U80->UA0 Set master volume UC0->UD0->UE0 Set panning position 'U' stands for the greek letter mu which is often used for 'micro' as in 'microwire'... the interface to the LMC1992 chip :) v1.05 ----- Internal version - Single DMA channel with volume and pitch implemented - Display last used pattern and sequence (Nemo request) v1.04 ----- Internal version - Added config option to switch on and off dma sound in the editor, and changed the editing functions to work properly with this (Dma Sc request) - Saving MIDI settings in .cnf file (Sidabitball request) v1.03 ----- Internal version - Fixed all functions to work with four channels - Changes YM3/DMA toggle to a scrolling operation - Added more shortcuts for selecting instruments (Divag request) - Added possibility to auto-load all filetypes .MYI, .MYS, .MYV, .SND etc from the file DEFAULT.??? Needed big changes to the file handling functions. - Changed pattern/song position select shortcuts to be more logical - Moved expand/shrink functions to the advanced edit menu - Added toggle for the jam mode on the normal menu (and F10 shortcut) - Added Shift+N and Ctrl+N shortcuts to get new patterns v1.02 ----- Internal version - Changed behaviour of song/pattern play/record keys to allow punch in and out without retriggering a playing pattern. Better for live jamming around. To stop complaints menu buttons work as previous. - Changed behaviour of channel mutes and solos. Now functions closer to Fasttracker 2, but the main thing is that its now possible to user jam on a muted channel for realtime fun ;) - Added keyboard shortcuts for track mute and unmute - Shift + Q, W or E - Added a special mode to make entering drum sounds and effects more easily this is activated with F9. With this mode active each key triggers middle C on a different instrument. In this this mode releasing a key has no effect. - Special drum mode now also active for midi input! It is activated in the editor by selecting voice $DD for a particular midi channel by scrolling above $20, or below $01. It can also be activated over midi with a program change above voice $20. So maxYMiser is now compatible with midi drum pads - boo yeah ;) - Increased range of digidrum replay frequencies. In preparation for STe DMA sound the upper limit is now a little over 50kHz, and inspired by Ray's Wolf 3D conversion the lower limit is now just 3kHz. - New MYI and MYV format files for 8bit digidrums. Any old 4bit sample data which is loaded in is reconverted to 8bit precision. Detects this with the new MYM1DIGI tag. - Added compiler variable for maximum sample length. - Added extra keyboard shortcuts for various pattern/song play options as requested by Dma-Sc. - Modified the look of the GUI to include a fourth STe DMA sound channel. The new functions do not work so far :) F10 toggles between displaying Ch3 and the STe DMA. Made fix for Alt+QWER shortcut. v1.01 ----- Internal version - Cleaned up MIDI routines for future expansion - Attempted fix for stuck MIDI notes (divag request) v1.00 ----- Release version - Removed a YM special timer effect so Outline version will always be unique - Fixed bug in midi input support related to sounds using timer effects - Included 'Chipping 4 Ca$h' demo song by gwEm and Dma-Sc v0.99 ----- Release version Special version released at the Outline 2005 demo party